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The Seasons


Winter can be wild yet exhilarating and, with the right clothing and a bit of preparation, can be enjoyable as any other season whether on the coast, in the mountains and forests or around our towns and cities. In the winter the mountains take on a completely different appearance and assume an arctic and alpine character. A clear bright day in winter can inspire and refresh even the most jaded heart. Along the coast the wild geese have settled down for the winter. Seeing thousands of these geese fly as the sun sets is an unforgettable sight. Wrap up and enjoy nature in the raw, or finish the year with a toast to your next visit at one of our many hogmanay parties.

Seasons in Scotland



All along the coast of Scotland, spring is heralded by the frantic trilling of the sky lark as it soars into the sky announcing the end of winter. For many this is the first intimation of better weather on the way. For others the buds on the birch trees and songs of early migrant birds, enjoying the first warmth of the sun is the sign.



The long summer days give you more time to enjoy yourself. Step back in time and visit some of Scotland's historic sites and buildings. Cycle the four abbey cycle route in the Scottish Borders. Awaken your senses while exploring some of our spectacular gardens. Follow the trails through the Scots Pine forests, such as those at the foot of the Cairngorms.



Scotland passes from long summer evenings and settled weather into the less predictable but glorious autumn season. The birches, rowans and bracken bring a riot of yellow and red to the glens and hillsides. Wherever you visit you will be rewarded with breathtaking colours.

The moorlands and peatlands offer a colourful display in autumn as the hillsides turn a golden brown, seen best at the end of the day with low sunlight showing up every hump and hollow so vividly that you'll have to stop for a photograph. Now is the time to really hear the rutting deer and unmistakable roar of the stag.
